Zoë Blade's notebook


This table shows which note name, MIDI note number, voltage, and frequency in Hertz are all equivalent, as per ISO 16 (which dictates that in standardised twelve-tone equal temperament, A4 is 440 Hz), the MIDI specification (which dictates that C4 is MIDI note number 60), and the Roland MPU-101 (which outputs 2 V for C4).[1][2]

While the voltage of each note is rather contentious, the MPU-101 was an early and influential MIDI to CV converter, and as such set the de facto standard. Before MIDI, it was more likely that 0 V corresponded to the lowest C on the synthesiser's keyboard, or even whichever pitch happened to be the first on the keyboard at all. For example, the Minimoog uses 0 V for F.[3] Even now, depending on your equipment, you may need to compensate by e.g. a volt in either direction.

Also note that many oscillators have an octave range switch measured in feet, with 8' being the original unmodified pitch.

Name MIDI Voltage Frequency Notes
C-1 00 -3.000
C♯-1 01 -2.917
D-1 02 -2.833
D♯-1 03 -2.750
E-1 04 -2.667
F-1 05 -2.583
F♯-1 06 -2.500
G-1 07 -2.417
G♯-1 08 -2.333
A-1 09 -2.250
A♯-1 10 -2.167
B-1 11 -2.083
C0 12 -2.000
C♯0 13 -1.917
D0 14 -1.833
D♯0 15 -1.750
E0 16 -1.667
F0 17 -1.583
F♯0 18 -1.500
G0 19 -1.417
G♯0 20 -1.333
A0 21 -1.250 27.50 Lowest pitch on 88-key piano
A♯0 22 -1.167 29.14
B0 23 -1.083 30.87
C1 24 -1.000 32.70
C♯1 25 -0.917 34.65
D1 26 -0.833 36.71
D♯1 27 -0.750 38.89
E1 28 -0.667 41.20
F1 29 -0.583 43.65
F♯1 30 -0.500 46.25
G1 31 -0.417 49.00
G♯1 32 -0.333 51.91
A1 33 -0.250 55.00
A♯1 34 -0.167 58.27
B1 35 -0.083 61.74
C2 36 0.000 65.41
C♯2 37 0.083 69.30
D2 38 0.167 73.42
D♯2 39 0.250 77.78
E2 40 0.333 82.41
F2 41 0.417 87.31
F♯2 42 0.500 92.50
G2 43 0.583 98.00
G♯2 44 0.667 103.83
A2 45 0.750 110.00
A♯2 46 0.833 116.54
B2 47 0.917 123.47
C3 48 1.000 130.81
C♯3 49 1.083 138.59
D3 50 1.167 146.83
D♯3 51 1.250 155.56
E3 52 1.333 164.81
F3 53 1.417 174.61 𝄢 (bass clef)
F♯3 54 1.500 185.00
G3 55 1.583 196.00
G♯3 56 1.667 207.65
A3 57 1.750 220.00
A♯3 58 1.833 233.08
B3 59 1.917 246.94
C4 60 2.000 261.63 Middle C; 𝄡 (alto clef)
C♯4 61 2.083 277.18
D4 62 2.167 293.66
D♯4 63 2.250 311.13
E4 64 2.333 329.63
F4 65 2.417 349.23
F♯4 66 2.500 369.99
G4 67 2.583 392.00 𝄞 (treble clef)
G♯4 68 2.667 415.30
A4 69 2.750 440.00 A440
A♯4 70 2.833 466.16
B4 71 2.917 493.88
C5 72 3.000 523.25
C♯5 73 3.083 554.37
D5 74 3.167 587.33
D♯5 75 3.250 622.25
E5 76 3.333 659.26
F5 77 3.417 698.46
F♯5 78 3.500 739.99
G5 79 3.583 783.99
G♯5 80 3.667 830.61
A5 81 3.750 880.00
A♯5 82 3.833 932.33
B5 83 3.917 987.77
C6 84 4.000 1046.50
C♯6 85 4.083 1108.73
D6 86 4.167 1174.66
D♯6 87 4.250 1244.51
E6 88 4.333 1318.51
F6 89 4.417 1396.91
F♯6 90 4.500 1479.98
G6 91 4.583 1567.98
G♯6 92 4.667 1661.22
A6 93 4.750 1760.00
A♯6 94 4.833 1864.66
B6 95 4.917 1975.53
C7 96 5.000 2093.00
C♯7 97 5.083 2217.46
D7 98 5.167 2349.32
D♯7 99 5.250 2489.02
E7 100 5.333 2637.02
F7 101 5.417 2793.83
F♯7 102 5.500 2959.96
G7 103 5.583 3135.96
G♯7 104 5.667 3322.44
A7 105 5.750 3520.00
A♯7 106 5.833 3729.31
B7 107 5.917 3951.07
C8 108 6.000 4186.01 Highest pitch on 88-key piano
C♯8 109 6.083
D8 110 6.167
D♯8 111 6.250
E8 112 6.333
F8 113 6.417
F♯8 114 6.500
G8 115 6.583
G♯8 116 6.667
A8 117 6.750
A♯8 118 6.833
B8 119 6.917
C9 120 7.000
C♯9 121 7.083
D9 122 7.167
D♯9 123 7.250
E9 124 7.333
F9 125 7.417
F♯9 126 7.500
G9 127 7.583


  1. "MPU-101 manual" Roland, p. 37
  2. "MPU-101 service notes" Roland, Jun 1985, p. 3
  3. "Moog Minimoog" Kenton

Further reading

Deep dives

Electronic music making tables: BPM to milliseconds | DX21 guide | Interval | MicroVerb III guide | Pitched tempos | Pitches | S1000 page map | ST MIDI sequencer timeline | Transposing tempos