Polivoks tech specs
- Company: Formanta
- Polyphony: Duophonic
- Timbrality: Monotimbral
The Polivoks (Поливокс, which sounds like quite an exotic name until you realise it's simply a phonetic spelling of Polyvox) was a duophonic synthesiser released in the Soviet Union in the 1980s.
...I've got this weird Russian thing that I found in East Germany called a Polivoks, and that is a bit of a beast. On the front panel, everything's in Russian Cyrillic script, so I don't know what anything does. I've just about worked out where the pitch bend is! But also, things don't do the same thing twice. There's a knob on there that says Ron and one below called 2 Ron, and as far as I can tell, if you touch those, everything goes mental. It's out of control, but lovely.
— Will Gregory, Goldfrapp, 2003[1]
(It's a switch that says "гол", short for "голос", as in "voice". So going from monophonic to duophonic.)
Notable users
- Goldfrapp[1]
- "Will Gregory: Recording Black Cherry" Nigel Humberstone, Sound On Sound, Jul 2003
External links
- "Formanta Polivoks Synthesizer" Gordon Reid, Sound On Sound, Jul 2010
Duophonic synthesisers: 2600 | Polivoks
Hardwired synthesisers: CZ-101 | Juno-6 | Juno-106 | MS-1 | Model D | Polivoks | RS-101 | RS-202 | SH-101 | Solina String Ensemble | String Ensemble | TB-303 | VC340 | VP-330