Lego element
Technically, a Lego element is a combination of Lego part (shape) and colour.[1][2] Each element has a unique six or seven digit element number. For example, the combination of Lego part 3001 (a classic 2×4 stud brick) and colour 24 (bright yellow) is element number 300124.
Colloquially, people use the phrase "part" to mean either part or element, depending on context.
- "Identifying Lego Set and Part Numbers" Lego
- "Organising Your Lego Bricks" Tom Alphin
Lego: Gobricks colour | Lego brick dimensions | Lego clone | Lego colour | Lego element | Lego minifigure | Lego part | Lego scale | Lego storage | Lego theme